Friday, July 17, 2009

Governor loses loyal staffer amid scandal


Sawyer to Depart Governor’s Office

Columbia, S.C. – July 17, 2009 – Governor Mark Sanford and his Communications Director Joel Sawyer today announced that Sawyer will be departing the Governor's Office to pursue other opportunities in the private sector, effective Wednesday, August 5.

"It's truly been an honor to serve both Mark and the people of South Carolina for the past six and a half years," Sawyer said. "This has been one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make, because I have and will continue to be such an ardent supporter of what this Administration is working to accomplish. I firmly believe that despite recent events, great things to move our state forward can be done during the remaining 18 months of this Administration."

"The public nature of my job might lead some to speculate about my reasons for leaving, but I want to be crystal clear that my departure is purely about what's best for me and my family on a personal and financial level. I wish Mark and the rest of my talented and dedicated colleagues the best."

Gov. Sanford issued the following statement:

"Joel has been a wonderfully devoted and skillful member of our team. The people of our state have benefited greatly from his service, as has this administration , and I sincerely thank him. We will miss him, but I join the rest of the staff in wishing Joel and his young family all the best in their future endeavors," Sanford said.

Gov. Sanford's Cabinet Director, Ben Fox, will take over as Communications Director upon Sawyer's departure.

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